
Vitro CertifiedTM Newsletter

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Technical Forum: Focusing Beyond Glass Construction in Specifications

Posted by Steve Marino on Feb 27, 2018 10:24:01 AM

Eyes Wide Open
Awareness, Diligence Key to Understanding Glass Specifications
by Steve Marino, Manager, Technical Support


It’s a whole new ballgame in glass fabrication.

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While the routine – 1-inch insulating glass units (IGUs) with silicone sealants, metal bent spacers and high-performance solar control, low-emissivity (low-e) glass – still exists, dynamic, “push the envelope” designs are putting glass fabricators to the test. They are being called upon to build increasingly complex window systems, such as custom-engineered curtain walls; highly customized faceted window profiles with outside corners that are all glass; and building envelopes consisting of hundreds of thousands of square-feet of custom curtain wall, including solar control glass for the upper floors and sound-resistant laminated glass for the lower floors.

Fabricators are expected to deliver nothing less than the desired aesthetic while meeting important performance requirements and supporting critical construction schedule parameters.

With so much at stake, the success or failure or the building project arguably comes down to four words:

Was the specification accurate?

No More Cookie-Cutter Specs

In the glass fabricating world, following industry best practices, whether constructing the IGU to the proper thickness tolerance, complying with industry-approved insulating processes, or ensuring that the edge deletion is uniform in appearance, is a must.

Before these critical practices can be employed, though, the glass specification takes center stage. From project conception to completion, specifications provide a necessary “check and balance” to ensure that the proper products are being used and that current industry standards are being followed.

Fabricators will naturally focus on the “glass construction” section. But it shouldn’t be their only focus. What if the architect has designated a quality spec for flatness that is typically not included? What if there’s an aesthetic requirement that is called out in a different part of the specification?

The level of detail that makes up today’s complex specifications can be daunting. They can address edicts ranging from general industry-accepted practices to precise performance criteria, such as glass characteristics, thermal and optical properties, and surface orientation for low-e coatings in an IGU. Yet, as building designs become more intricate and complex, it’s increasingly likely that an architect or specifier will add a spec or two to a construction document that deviates from industry standards, meaning the “standard” spec is anything but.

Unfortunately, it also means a greater chance for errors and inaccuracies in the specification.


Common Specification Issues

With hundreds of potential variables in any single glass specification, it’s understandable that a detail might get overlooked. The impact of such an oversight, though, can range from a developer who is dissatisfied with the appearance of the completed building to the replacement of glass on a project because a performance specification was missed. So, regardless of the fallout, there is a “price to pay” for inaccuracy.

So, who’s responsible for identifying issues?

More than ever, it’s vital that every party in the supply chain that receives the specification for a particular project – fabricator, general contractor, glazing contractor, raw materials suppliers – reviews the glass specifications in their entirety. This concerted effort will help to reveal “red flags,” errors, deviations from industry standards, special requirements or specific architect requests. In addition, each party in the supply chain owes it to any downstream party to ensure that all special requirements or requests are properly communicated.

It’s not a stretch to say that a successful project – one that is completed on time and on budget, and that meets the expectations of the architect, building owner and all other stakeholders – hinges to a large extent on accurate specifications that comply with current industry standards. The whole supply chain should have a vested interest in being aware of and staying on top of potential issues. At each stage, it’s a good idea to conduct a “self-check” by reviewing the following questions:

  • Are critical specs for the project properly addressed and highlighted sufficiently?
  • Do generic specifications (e.g., general guidelines for fabricating) reflect the most current language and standards?
  • Is the glazing product written into the glass specification still manufactured by the supplier?
  • Does the glass product specified for the project meet or exceed the related ASTM standard?
  • What process is in place to ensure that changes to the specs are properly communicated?

Fabricators don’t necessarily need to parse every word of the specification, but one way to quickly identify issues is to check for these common errors first:

  • Copied and pasted specs. Although a time-saver, information that was copied and pasted from previous specifications can result in references to incorrect products and documents that have been decommissioned. Even though specifications contain standard, generic language, it’s critical to review that language for each project, as glass specs and building codes change on a routine basis.
  • Outdated standard and test method references. Obsolete standards and test methods can yield additional costs or installations that aren’t up to code. In addition, customers can receive inferior products or products that don’t meet current standards. Be aware of industry performance standards that have been updated or withdrawn, and double-check that any standard referenced in a specification reflects the most current version.
  • Incorrect products. This issue manifests itself in several ways, including an erroneous or discontinued product that has been specified for a specific application, or a product brand that doesn’t correspond to the specified manufacturer. It’s a good idea to question specifications of custom products (e.g., tempered glass might not be needed to meet code). Also make sure that treatments such as low-e coatings, opacifiers and frits are appropriate for the surfaces in IGUs and spandrels.

Other areas to check include:

  • Master Format numbers – Are they current?
  • Referenced companies and suppliers – Are they still in business?
  • Consistency of requirements – Do they agree across all sections of the spec document?
  • Performance requirements attributed to specific products – Are they correct?
  • Composition of the product being specified – Is the information provided sufficiently specific?


Looking in All the Right Places

So, the specification for a project arrives, and everything seems to be in order.

Perhaps there’s more than meets the eye. If fabricators hone in on the “glass construction” section, for instance, and not the entire MasterSpec document, then key information could be missed, resulting in a building that falls short of expectations.

Consider the following situation:

The architect has developed a very detailed spec that calls for heat-treated glass to meet the strength criteria for the building. To avoid a distorted, wavy look, the architect designates a “critical performance spec” for flatness. However, this information ends up in a section of the specification that other parts of the supply chain don’t typically review. The resulting glass product does not meet the architect’s requirements and he or she starts looking for a supplier to blame.

Although the work fabricators perform is based only on what the general contractor or architect provides, conducting a little “detective work” can go a long way. Check the entire specification, if feasible, for deviations or critical performance requirements that may be in a different part of the specification.

In addition, communication with upstream and downstream partners is vital. Because they are often more familiar with the overall scope of a project, general contractors can provide valuable insight into the visibility of, or expectations for, the project. For example, the glass specification for a new building being constructed in a major city and surrounded by iconic structures will likely have unique characteristics – perhaps the ASTM specification for a coating void is reduced by 50 percent because the glass is in a high-traffic area of the building. Knowing the project’s prominence, the general contractor can “tip off” the fabricator of a potential deviation in the specs, such as a requirement that is tighter than normal ASTM specifications.


Valuable Resources

Several major trade organizations have developed publications or provide guidance that fabricators can reference to ensure that they are following the most-recent industry best practices. These organizations include:

  • Glass Association of North America (GANA), now combined with the National Glass Association (NGA), serves the architectural glass and metals industry, including glazing contractors, full-service glass companies, glass fabricators, primary glass manufacturers and suppliers to the industry. GANA produces the GANA Glazing Manual, a comprehensive set of recommendations and guidelines for all aspects of glazing applications and methods. The information was developed, vetted and approved by committees representing glass suppliers, fabricators, glazing contractors and other trade organizations.
  • Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance (IGMA), an international standards-development association for the insulating glass industry. Alliance members include insulating glass manufacturers and suppliers of related equipment, services and materials. IGMA’s North American Glazing Guidelines for Sealed Insulating Glass Units for Commercial and Residential Use contains advisory guidelines on all aspects of IGUs, such as glass types, framing, glazing clearances, setting blocks, spacer shims, and glazing materials and systems.
  • American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), which represents window, door, skylight, curtain wall and storefront manufacturers for residential and commercial sectors. Comprising members from fenestration product manufacturers and their material and component suppliers, AAMA develops and updates the standards that are referenced in many national and state building codes, and participates in the annual International Code Council Code Adoptions.
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which coordinates the U.S. private-sector, voluntary standardization system. ANSI provides a neutral forum for the development of policies on standards issues and serves as a watchdog for standards development and conformity assessment programs and processes for hundreds of industries. The ANSI Z97.1 standard establishes the specifications and methods of testing for the safety properties of safety glazing materials used for all building and architectural purposes. This standard is an important element in architectural specifications for safety glazing compliance.
  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), which develops and delivers voluntary consensus standards. Through more than 140 technical standards-writing committees, ASTM provides recommendations and specifications for a broad range of industries, including architectural glasses used in building construction.
  • National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC), an independent, non-profit organization that establishes window, door and skylight energy performance ratings.


Help from Vitro Glass

A complement to these industry resources is the Vitro Architectural Glass “Construct” tool, which lets fabricators construct and compare virtual configurations for monolithic glazings, multi-pane IGUs, and decorative and spandrel glasses. Three-part specifications in the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format can be quickly generated for any configuration created in “Construct,” as long as it contains 100-percent Vitro Architectural Glass products.

The 3-part CSI specification lists performance data for individual glazing configurations such as glass thickness, visible light transmittance, winter nighttime and summer daytime u-value, shading coefficient, solar heat gain coefficient and exterior reflectance.



One of the keys to a successful building project – one that achieves the look architects envisioned when they designed and spec’d the job – involves the development of and adherence to accurate specifications and industry best practices.

Architects establish the vision for building projects, but every other element in the supply chain, including the fabricator, glazing contractor, and raw materials suppliers, is responsible not only for providing their selected component in compliance with the final glass specification but also ensuring that those specs are accurate and thorough and reflect the most current industry standards.

Numerous resources, such as GANA/NGA, IGMA and AAMA, supply industry best practices, recommendations and specifications that are readily available to help in the glass-specification process. Each of these organizations comprises experienced professionals, who serve as “voices of the industry” to develop the recommendations and best practices for the architectural glass trade.

To learn more about the glass-specification process or if you have questions related to glass specifications, contact me at

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Newsletter Archive: 

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