
Vitro CertifiedTM Newsletter

The Vitro Certified Newsletter is a quarterly newsletter for glass fabricators, laminators and window manufacturers within the Vitro Certified Network. For more information about the Vitro Certified Network, visit Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG Glass) at

Get to Know Vitro: Julia Giba

Posted by Vitro Architectural Glass on Sep 23, 2019 9:01:38 AM

Meet Julia Giba

Manager, Vitro Concierge Program™, Vitro Architectural Glass

Julie Giba’s career began in the hotel business, so it’s not hard to imagine why she is so adept at juggling the demands of the Vitro Concierge Program™.Julia Giba

Although she has been with Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG Glass) since 2008, Julie had a 15-year stint in hotel management before “retiring” to be a stay-at-home mom. Little did she know when she came into the glass business almost 12 years ago, that those earlier working years would serve her so well.

“My hotel was one of the first in the country to offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and when you’re a full-service hotel, that’s a tall order to fill,” she explained. “As managers, we were constantly trained on how to listen, resolve issues and make our customers and employees happy.”

As manager of the Vitro Concierge Program™, Julie often finds herself fulfilling the same role. “Projects are constantly changing,” she says. “That’s a fact. Being able to adapt to and communicate those changes throughout our organization makes my job a challenge, but we wouldn’t be aware of those changes if I wasn’t constantly interacting with our customers.”

Juggling more than 100 complex glazing projects at any given time doesn’t allow Julie to experience many “typical” days. “If I am not talking to a customer about a new project, I am reserving glass, releasing glass, communicating changes to the team, checking to see if upcoming projects are still on track, if current projects are being shipped, and determining which projects need to go on the next manufacturing run. In between, I am attending meetings or traveling to visit fabricators and glaziers in the U.S. and Canada.”

Just as every day is different, every project is, too. Julie says one of her most challenging Vitro Concierge Program™ projects was among the first and most famous. “When we did Amazon Spheres in Seattle with NWI (Northwestern Industries), the program was still in its infancy,” she explained. “We didn’t have a lot of the processes in place that we do now.

“The project required a lot of 5-millimeter Starphire® glass that had to be produced to order and we didn’t have a history of producing glass in that size,” she continued. “So, when we first ran the glass, we didn’t produce enough to cover the project. I immediately met with the product manager and we got the plant on the phone and got the glass made. That wasn’t as easy as it sounds. I was proud to see everyone pull together and do what needed to be done.”

Julie has one piece of advice for Vitro Certified™ Network members who want their jobs to go as smoothly as possible. “Tell me about your project as soon as it is awarded to you. The sooner I know about it, the sooner I can help. Even if you’re not sure it should be in the program, tell me about your project anyway. We’ll figure it out together.”

When she finally gets a chance to wind down, Julie usually heads for the gym or the greenhouse. “I like to work out and garden,” she said. “A little tequila helps, too!”

Vitro Certified™ Network members with a knowledge of football history will appreciate Julie’s hall-of-fame bloodlines. Her cousin was legendary Baltimore Colts quarterback, Johnny Unitas.

“Johnny graciously signed many footballs for my friends and family, including John Mellencamp and Jon Bon Jovi from my hotel days,” she recalls. “Many people don’t know that he played for the Bloomfield Rams here in Pittsburgh, and that he had to sign autographs with his left hand due to the wear and tear on that golden arm. He was also turned down by the Steelers. I’m sure Art (Rooney, the late founder and owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers) still regrets that one.”

When you want a hall-of-fame project manager quarterbacking your next big project, contact Julie right away. She can be reached at You can also fill out the project form on the Vitro Concierge Program™ website. Julie receives those submissions directly.


Newsletter Archive: 

  • July 2024
    • Project Showcase: Amazon HQ2
    • Technical Forum: Sustainability Certifications
    • Get to Know Vitro: Patty Fisher
  • January 2024
    • Project Showcase: BancFirst Tower 
    • Technical Forum: Embodied Carbon 
    • Get to Know Vitro: Meet Erin Casci 
  • October 2023
    • Project Showcase: Hanna Gabriel Wells Architects 
    • Technical Forum: Pros and Cons of Gas-Filled IGUs 
    • Get to Know Vitro: Bill Davis 
  • June 2023
    • Project Showcase: Pittsburgh Produce Terminal 
    • Technical Forum: Framing and Performance Values 
    • Get to Know Vitro: Chris Fronsoe 

  • April 2023
    • Project Showcase: Pikes Peak Summit House 
    • Technical Forum: Color Rendering Index 
    • Get to Know Vitro: Heather Brion 
  • December 2022
    •  Project Showcase: 345 4th Street 
    • Technical Forum: Vacuum Insulating Glass FAQs 
    • Get to Know Vitro: Andre Kenstowicz 
  • September 2022
    • Project Showcase: 70 Rainey 
    • Technical Forum: Codes & Climate Zones 
    • Get to Know Vitro: Dan Sutton 

  • July 2022
    • Project Showcase: Moody Center
    • Technical Forum: Titan oversized glass
    • Get to Know Vitro: Annissa Flickinger 

  • March 2022
    • Project Showcase: KOI Sky Residences 
    • Technical Forum: Embodied Carbon 
    • Get to Know Vitro: Mike Hammond 

  • December 2021
    • Project Showcase: Watershed 
    • Technical Forum: Vitro Certified™ Network Professional Training Modules 
    • Get to Know Vitro: Adam Polcyn 

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